Friday, December 6, 2013

All I Want for Christmas is SOCKS!!!

Our School is doing a service project where we are collecting socks of all shapes and sizes!  We will be donating these socks to a local homeless shelter.  With all of these frigged temperatures, people need to bundle up and need warm socks!  So, please, please, please donate some socks!  When you bring your socks, give them to your TA Rep who will give them to the SBOs. We are keeping a tally of socks for each TA class and the class with the most will win donuts and hot chocolate!!

Have a Colt Christmas!      

You have until December 13th to donate your socks!!!!! Please no socks with holes or stains.

 Here is a little video the SBOs put together to encourage you to donate some socks: 

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