As a final project for our Compound/Complex Sentence Unit, we read the book How Santa Got His Job. This book details all the previous jobs Santa had before becoming Santa. All of his previous jobs helped him to develop the skills he needs to be Santa, such as staying up late, slipping in and out of chimneys without getting all black, and developing a very round belly. After reading the book, students worked in groups to write their own stories about other characters and how they got their jobs. They had to include 5 compound sentences, 4 complex sentences, and 2 compound-complex sentences. See if you can identify those sentences in their "dramatic readings."
The groups working on their projects whilst listening to Holiday music
How the Easter Bunny got his job #1
How Mother Nature got her job #1
How Batman got his job
How Cupid got his job #1
How the Tooth Fairy got her job #1
How the Easter Bunny got his job #2
How the Easter Bunny got his job #3
How Mother Nature got her job #2
How the Geico Gecko got his job
How Aphrodite got her job
How the leprechaun got his job
How the Minions got their job
How Cupid got his job #2
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