Saturday, August 10, 2013

And Finally the Favela Post!

It took me a bit to get this post because I wanted to make a movie instead of adding photos.  So, it’s a bit out of order.  One of our activities in Rio was to tour a Favela.  Favelas are shantytowns where the people just made their homes out of any kind of material.  They are controversial because the people in Favelas do not pay taxes.  There are very poor conditions because they don’t pay taxes.  They do not have hospitals, garbage removal, sewage facilities, etc.  As you can see from the video, the electrical is crazy!  They just put wires wherever.  Favelas are named after the plant that grows in them.  As we were walking through the favela, we heard the song “People like us” by Kelly Clarkson playing in one of the houses. I thought it was fitting and decided to put the picture to the song.  Erica and Liza took the pictures.  The Favela we toured was the largest in Rio. 

Here is the link for the video: 

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